Pre-trained language models, despite their rapid advancements powered by scale, still fall short of robust commonsense capabilities. And yet, scale appears to be the winning recipe; after all, the largest models seem to have acquired the largest amount of commonsense capabilities. Or is it? In this paper, we investigate the possibility of a seemingly impossible match: can smaller language models with dismal commonsense capabilities (i.e., GPT-2), ever win over models that are orders of magnitude larger and better (i.e., GPT-3), if the smaller models are powered with novel commonsense distillation algorithms? The key intellectual question we ask here is whether it is possible, if at all, to design a learning algorithm that does not benefit from scale, yet leads to a competitive level of commonsense acquisition. In this work, we study the generative models of commonsense knowledge, focusing on the task of generating generics, statements of commonsense facts about everyday concepts, e.g., birds can fly. We introduce a novel commonsense distillation framework, I2D2, that loosely follows the Symbolic Knowledge Distillation of West et al. but breaks the dependence on the extreme-scale models as the teacher model by two innovations: (1) the novel adaptation of NeuroLogic Decoding to enhance the generation quality of the weak, off-the-shelf language models, and (2) self-imitation learning to iteratively learn from the model's own enhanced commonsense acquisition capabilities. Empirical results suggest that scale is not the only way, as novel algorithms can be a promising alternative. Moreover, our study leads to a new corpus of generics, Gen-A-Tomic, that is of the largest and highest quality available to date.
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知识图(kg)链接预测是人工智能中的一项基本任务,在自然语言处理,信息检索和生物医学中的应用。最近,通过使用结合知识图嵌入(KGE)和上下文语言模型(LMS)的合奏,通过利用KGS中的跨模式信息来实现有希望的结果。但是,现有的合奏要么是(1)在排名准确性提高方面并不始终有效,要么(2)由于与深度语言模型的成对排名的组合爆炸问题,在较大数据集上效率不佳。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的分层排名架构级联,以保持完全结合的排名准确性,同时大大提高效率。 Cascader使用LMS来重新启动更有效的基本毛金属的输出,依靠自适应子集选择方案,旨在最小化LMS,同时最大程度地利用KGE的精度增益。广泛的实验表明,Cascader在KGE基线上最多可提高9分,从而在四个基准上设定新的最先进的性能,同时在竞争性跨模式基线上提高效率一个或多个数量级。我们的经验分析表明,模型跨模式的多样性和保存单个模型的置信度信号有助于解释级联者的有效性,并提出了跨模式级联体系结构的有希望的方向。可以在上获得代码和预估计的模型。
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预测任务标签和为其预测生成自由文本阐述的自律化模型可以实现与NLP系统更直观的交互。然而,这些模型目前正在接受大量人为的自由文本解释,每个任务都会阻碍更广泛的使用。我们建议使用少数培训例子研究更现实的自律化建立。我们出示2月 - 一个标准化的四个现有英语数据集和相关指标。我们通过2月份广泛探索自然语言提示来确定正确的提示方法。然后,通过使用此提示并缩放模型大小,我们证明了几次拍摄自合合理化的进展。我们展示了这项任务的完善房间仍然有充足的改进空间:人类注册人评估的生成解释的平均合理性最多为51%,而人类解释的合理性是76%。我们希望2月份与我们的拟议方法一起促使社区承担几次拍摄的自我合理化挑战。
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确定多个文档的概念提及的练习是自然语言理解中的基本任务。以前关于跨文档Coreference解析(CDCR)的工作通常会考虑新闻中的事件提到,这很少涉及普遍存在的科学和技术的技术概念。这些复杂的概念采用不同的形式或含糊不清的形式,并且具有许多分层级别的粒度(例如,任务和子组织),构成了CDCR的挑战。我们呈现了分层CDCR(H-CDCR)的新任务,其目标是在它们之间联合推断COREREFER集群和层次结构。我们在科学论文中创建SciCo,一个专家注释的H-CDCR数据集,比突出的欧洲ecb +资源大3倍。我们研究了我们为H-CDCR定制的强大基线模型,并突出了未来工作的挑战。
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Language models pretrained on text from a wide variety of sources form the foundation of today's NLP. In light of the success of these broad-coverage models, we investigate whether it is still helpful to tailor a pretrained model to the domain of a target task. We present a study across four domains (biomedical and computer science publications, news, and reviews) and eight classification tasks, showing that a second phase of pretraining indomain (domain-adaptive pretraining) leads to performance gains, under both high-and low-resource settings. Moreover, adapting to the task's unlabeled data (task-adaptive pretraining) improves performance even after domain-adaptive pretraining. Finally, we show that adapting to a task corpus augmented using simple data selection strategies is an effective alternative, especially when resources for domain-adaptive pretraining might be unavailable. Overall, we consistently find that multiphase adaptive pretraining offers large gains in task performance.
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Language models are widely deployed to provide automatic text completion services in user products. However, recent research has revealed that language models (especially large ones) bear considerable risk of memorizing private training data, which is then vulnerable to leakage and extraction by adversaries. In this study, we test the efficacy of a range of privacy-preserving techniques to mitigate unintended memorization of sensitive user text, while varying other factors such as model size and adversarial conditions. We test both "heuristic" mitigations (those without formal privacy guarantees) and Differentially Private training, which provides provable levels of privacy at the cost of some model performance. Our experiments show that (with the exception of L2 regularization), heuristic mitigations are largely ineffective in preventing memorization in our test suite, possibly because they make too strong of assumptions about the characteristics that define "sensitive" or "private" text. In contrast, Differential Privacy reliably prevents memorization in our experiments, despite its computational and model-performance costs.
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